Sugar Rich Snacks Will Cost You in Cavities

With easy access to vending machines, convenience stores, and snack shops it’s common to satisfy hunger by spending $2.00 on a candy bar without even thinking about it. Your health professionals at our Vancouver dental clinic, Arbutus North Dental, want to remind you that you may be getting more than just a sugar buzz or a caffeine jolt for your toonie. These sugary sweets and sodas may be giving you more than you bargained for!

With every Snickers bar thousands of bacteria are invited to enjoy the sticky sugar that gets caught between your teeth allowing the sugar to morph into acid. Acid erodes tooth enamel which naturally protects teeth from decay. As the acid erodes your tooth enamel – cavities are formed!

Tooth brushing after eating sugar-rich snacks can protect your teeth from cavities. So if you can’t brush your teeth until bedtime, you should hold off on the sugary sweets.

What to snack on then? Good question, think about nutrient-rich snack foods that will curb your hunger and fulfill your sugar cravings without causing cavities. For example, fresh fruits and vegetables, cold cut sandwiches, nuts and seeds, low fat cheese, milk, or yogurt all make great healthy snacks you can eat on the go.

At Arbutus North Dental, your Vancouver dentist, we are committed to your whole body health and wellness. Preventing tooth decay is simpler than you think, for more cavity prevention tips, contact us today to schedule your next appointment!