Perfect Wedding Smiles Make Perfect Wedding Photos

Everything on your wedding day should be absolutely perfect because, after all, your wedding ceremony is going to be immortalized on film, hard-drive, DVD, CD and glossy paper. You’ve hired a wonderful wedding photographer to brilliantly capture your beautiful bouquet, dress and bridesmaids, but have you thought about how your smile will look in your wedding photos?

If you don’t want to cringe over your wedding photos or ask your photographer to photoshop you a better smile, come to Arbutus North Dental Centre  in Vancouver for a Million Dollar Smile Makeover. We offer a whole range of cosmetic dentistry solutions to give you that perfect pearly-white smile on your big day that will make for just perfect wedding photos.

If your teeth are discoloured, crooked or chipped, you can get a brand-new smile with Veneers. Veneers are custom thin porcelain shells that are bonded to your natural teeth to enhance your natural beauty.

If your smile isn’t nearly as white as your wedding dress, you can get it six shades whiter and picture-perfect in just one hour at Arbutus North Dental Centre in Vancouver or if you prefer, you can whiten it yourself in the comfort of your own home with one of our take-home tooth whitening kits.

Contact Arbutus North Dental Centre today to schedule an appointment for a wedding smile that will shine in all your wedding photos just as much as you’ll shine on your wedding day.