Fast Food Puts You on the Fast Track to Cavities

With the increased amount of fast food and carbonated beverages at our disposal, at Arbutus North Dental, we’re noticing a generation inflicting serious damage to their oral and overall health.

A poor diet that consists of sugary treats and fast food can result in premature loss of tooth enamel, resulting in a weaker tooth structure. Due to this, it is especially important that we all try to maintain a healthy diet. One of the leading causes of cavities is from carbonated beverages; which not only result in cavities but also increase obesity in many people. The citric, tartaric, carbonic and phosphoric acids that come from pop can often lead to the breakdown of tooth enamel, naturally leading to cavities or tooth decay.

In order to actively prevent cavities from occurring, teenagers and parents need to decrease the amount of sugar-filled pop consumed. In addition, regular checkups and cleanings need to be scheduled at our Vancouver dental practice to ensure optimal oral health.

Contact Arbutus North Dental today to book an appointment or to learn more about cavity prevention for your best oral health! We look forward to hearing from you!