What’s the Connection between Gum Disease & Breast Cancer? Your Vancouver Dentist knows!

Recently, a study carried out by the British Dental Wellness Foundation found that women with missing teeth or gum disease could be up to 11 times more likely to develop breast cancer than other women. Learn the facts from your Vancouver dentist, Arbutus North Dental Centre, and contact us today with any questions or to reserve your appointment.

The link between cancer and inadequate dental care hasn’t yet been officially determined by health care research, but inadequate dental care care has been connected to poor general health as well as diabetes, premature births and cardiac arrest.

Your dental and general health is essential to our team of dental health experts at Arbutus North Dental Centre, your Vancouver dentist. We promise to work with you on your dental healthcare routine and provide you with the very best and healthiest smile possible – and the peace of mind that your oral healthcare is top-notch.

If you have missing teeth, you’re not simply at risk for breast cancer! Missing teeth can affect your jawbone density, your tooth alignment, and your confidence. Modern dental technology can easily restore your smile and your confidence. Contact your Vancouver dentist, Arbutus North Dental Centre, today to learn about all the ways we can help you restore your smile and your self-confidence!

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