The Many Benefits of Oral Health

When you brush your teeth, floss and use mouth wash regularly, you are doing so much more than just taking care of your mouth and teeth. There are many benefits of oral health that you may not know about. Through regular maintenance at home and visits to the Arbutus North Dental Centre professional dental health team, you will ensure you reap more than just white teeth and healthy gums.

One of the most common ways bacteria grows and enters the body is through the mouth. If you keep your mouth clean after every meals, before going to bed and after waking up, you minimize the chances of bacteria entering the body and infecting different parts of your body. Many experts say that poor oral hygiene can aggravate heart, digestion problems and many others. The benefits of oral health ensure your teeth are strong and that your gums are healthy, which will reflect in your body’s health in the long run.

Another benefit of oral health, is that if you have a regular mouth- and teeth-cleaning schedule, then you’ll be sure to have much fewer trips to the dentist’s office for tooth pains, and other oral diseases. If you want to see the many benefits of oral health for yourself, be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss regularly.

Finally visit your dentist twice every year or as recommended by our team. We at Arbutus North Dental Centre are available not only to help you ensure you have good oral health but also to provide advice and tips that can be useful in keeping your gums healthy, and your teeth strong.